Fairy Tale History of New Zigon as told by Gina (tiny SPOILERS)

Once upon a time there was a king and a queen of a small peaceful kingdom tucked into a magical place called a Lacunavim.  The king and queen were truly in love and had been for centuries.  The king was the son of the first and only Zigonian to reach Earth.  The king was a wizard, who found a way to change Earth humans to be a race more like him, so they could practice his magic.  He found the love of his life in Lady Aberlene, and he changed her and made her his queen.  The king filled his kingdom with handpicked human wizards who were pure of heart.  The king changed them to share his magic, and New Zigon was born.  
The king taught his lovely queen and loyal subjects his magic and encouraged them to study it and learn more about it on their own.  Lady Aberlene specialized in life magic.  She created a magic amulet which enabled her to remain young and beautiful by her husband’s side for centuries, since the king, being a true Zigonian descendant, aged very slowly.  
And so they lived, their small community of wizards blossoming over the years into a dazzling city.  After hundreds of years of waiting, the king and queen had their first child, New Zigon’s first princess.  The princess was as beautiful as her mother and as talented as both her parents put together.  The princess was not happy in New Zigon, however, and escaped to earth to mingle with the humans as often as she could.  The inevitable happened; the Princess fell in love with a human, and not just any human.  Her human was cousin to one of the largest and most powerful landowners in the country.  When the human’s cousin learned of New Zigon, he grew greedy and hatched a plan.  The princess and the human married in secret, as the king and queen would surely never approve.  The princess finally told her mother about her forbidden marriage, and the queen went out into the world to meet her daughter’s human.  Only she didn’t meet her daughter’s beloved, she met his cousin instead.  The cousin had planned this all along.  He knew of the queen’s magic amulet, and he held her captive and tortured her until she made one just for him.
Once he got what he wanted, the evil cousin killed the queen.  The king almost died when he heard his queen was gone.  He became a broken man and forbade his subjects to leave their safe Lacunavim and ordered them to never talk to humans again.  Realizing the greed of humans, the king wanted to protect his people from the queen’s fate.  He created a very special protection spell.  He summoned his entire kingdom and hid the protection spell in each of their magic amulets.
To protect the princess, he put her under lock and key to keep her from ever leaving the Lacunavim again.
But the king did not understand the love the princess shared with her human, even though it was so like the love he had for his queen.  The princess’s human went mad looking for her and constantly sought out the princess’s smallest friend, who was able to sneak past the king’s guard to visit Earth.  The princess’s little friend ran from the human every time, until the human cornered her.  He begged the little friend to let him know of his princess, for not only were they married, they were with child.  When the little friend ran again, the human captured her to force her to talk.  This triggered the king’s protection spell, which turned both the little friend and the human to stone.  The girl was protected from being tortured or killed but was protected from living as well. 
The princess escaped and found her human and little friend frozen in stone.  The king refused to break the spell, and the princess hated him for it.  When her baby was born, the princess punished the king by not letting him meet his only grandchild.  For two years the princess tried to break the spell, borrowing the city’s magic crystals one by one, but nothing worked.  Then one day the princess and her son disappeared with all of the city’s most magical crystals, including the king’s prized magic stone.  They were never seen or heard from again.
With the magic crystals and the magic stone gone, and with only a broken king to guide them, New Zigon fell apart.  The city was abandoned, and without the king’s magic stone to energize it, the Lacunavim began to die as well.
All was lost, until one day, six and a half centuries later, the princess’s little friend was freed from her stone prison by a handsome knight, who carried her on his white steed all the way to her home in New Zigon.  The princess’s little friend  had a piece of the king’s magic stone and used it to save the Lacunavim and restore the city to its former glory, and they all lived happily ever after.  
The end.

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