Sunday, November 23, 2014

New Zigon TFC has two new Five Star Reviews on Amazon!

My book has two new five star reviews on Amazon: 

"Highly Recommended: This book was very enjoyable to read and was beautifully written. The characters feel very real and relatable and the story felt very visual and fast paced. I was quickly [drawn] into the story and stayed up very late finishing it. I highly [recommend] this [book to] readers of any age."

"The Next Harry Potter! New Zigon a Wondeful Creation: I couldn't put this book down. It was obviously written for the Harry Potter generation but I belong to the Baby Boomer era. The character development was great, The world created and the explanations for extraordinary powers was so very imaginative.

My favorite part was the development of the relationship between the two main characters."

This gets me excited to get New Zigon available in paperback and dig into book 2!!!

Monday, November 17, 2014

My first blog review!

New Zigon has it's first blog review!  Alison, of The Cheap Reader Blog, accepted a copy of my book in exchange for an honest review.  I was absolutely thrilled when she agreed to read The Founder's Curse.  Many bloggers are inundated with review requests, and most won't accept self-published novels, which makes this review all the more exciting.  Allison runs a great blog that you may want to add to your news-feeds.

Here is her review:

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Do you know... #4

Do you know...     #4

Do you know whether the spelling of the color of shadows is spelled "gray" or "grey?" 
The answer is that it is spelled both ways.  Americans prefer "gray" and Brits prefer "grey."  Does that mean "Fifty Shades..." is British?  Not necessarily; either spelling is acceptable.