Made-up Monday is where I will share the background behind the creation of a word or term in New Zigon. I put a lot of thought into every new word I created or picked.
I'll start first with the series title, New Zigon.
I've shared before that the concept for New Zigon started about ten years ago when my oldest son wanted a "new" story at bedtime. The story I gave him evolved into the Prologue of the book. About five years later, my two oldest boys were deep into the #Webkinz craze and had just discovered Club Penguin. They had to create usernames. Before they picked their final "#handles", "Zigon" came up, and I latched onto it for my book title. It made me think of both "Zion" and "Zodiac."
When I started writing my book earlier this year, the working title was simply "Zigon." I had even set up my blog and facebook page under "Zigon." The problem was, that when I googled "Zigon," I got lots of hits for people with a last name of "Zigon." I wanted a unique title that would bring my novel to the top of a search engine list. By calling it "New Zigon" I obtained that objective, and it better aligned with the storyline. Now my blog and facebook page both use "NewZigon" in their URL.
As a side note, the second part of the title, "The Founder's Curse," didn't get defined until the book was nearly finished.
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